Category Archives: About Us
Midlife – It has much to offer, really!
And we should embrace getting older – even if at times it feels like modern [...]
Where Do You Find Your Inspiration?
Travelling for me is the ultimate source of inspiration. Wherever one finds oneself in the [...]
What is Ethical Fashion and why should you wear Essential Noir?
We talk to you all the time about scrapping the fast fashion habit, but what [...]
A Moment with Sophie Blake
Here at Essential Noir we are proud and more than excited about our collaboration with the [...]
How Do You Find Your High Street Shopping Experience?
Why is the high street struggling? How do you find your high street shopping experience? [...]
Do We Need a Change?
Did you know that it was Fashion Revolution Week at the end of April where [...]
Essential Noir – Your Favourite Slow Fashion Brand
Slow Fashion, sustainability, supporting British manufacturing and retaining skills and jobs in local communities lies [...]
Can Large Fast Fashion Retailers Truly Be Sustainable?
Can large Fast Fashion retailers truly be sustainable and produce sustainable fashion or are they [...]
Essential Noir Customers to Benefit from Collaborations with Ermana Skincare and Carolyn Codd Jewellery
Here at Essential Noir we are very pleased to have secured collaborations with two fabulous [...]
Accessories We Should Not Live Without
The way we accessorize our outfits is what sets us apart but it takes a [...]