At the beginning of 2020 we were celebrating the new decade, making our plans for the future. Never did we see forth what would unfold over the coming months! That by April we would be living a life in a pandemic. Following rules of social distancing and staying home as much as possible.
To some, life in a pandemic is like being in a film. To others, it may seem like the end of the world. But one thing’s for sure, we are all in this together.
Tough times are unfolding within the retail industry. Closed shops and empty high streets mean plenty of small businesses are struggling. When all this is over, there will be countless small businesses trying to pick up the pieces of lost profits and looming debt. That’s why buying local, helping our high streets and supporting local industry will be more important than ever after this! And we can all play our part in supporting our local small businesses through the choices we make during this lockdown and after it.
Bored indoors? Here’s what we’ve been up to!
With no real time frame of how long the lockdown will last, there’s finally been time to get some of those odd jobs, that have been in the pipeline for months, done. And as it is spring and the weather has been glorious, the first port of call has been the garden!
Growing own vegetables is one of our favorite garden-based activities, and you can save yourself some money while enjoying the pleasures of fresh, homegrown goods! Spring onions, beetroot, lettuce and parsley are the go-tos for this time of year. Even if you only have a small space free in your garden to grow things, make the most of that free soil and add some home-grown colour to your evening meals!
Still wondering what you could do in your garden? Find some nice little lockdown gardening tips through this link.

General tidying both inside and out around the house is something which often goes overlooked during the busy schedule of a modern life. Cleaning those areas that usually go amiss, tidying those hanging baskets and general rearranging can help bring a new life to your surroundings.
But let’s not forget business
On the business side, now is a great time to sort out those other tasks such as accounts, stock taking and alike. Things like this can often fade into the background during normal business, but there is no time like the present to go back through documents and make sure everything is in order and on track! Not forgetting putting some plans and designs together for the future! We have been pondering on new Limited Edition styles or maybe additions to Fashion Essentials. It’s important not to forget about the future even when living through these uncertain times. The pandemic will eventually be over, and life will get back to normal. What that new normal will be, remains to be seen. Regardless of this it is still good to put some form of plan together for the times ahead.
The importance of exercise
As you may have seen, there are plenty of people making the most of the one form of exercise a day rule! This is something we are lucky to have as a nation, and we need to make sure we make the most of it but to ensure not to abuse it. There is nothing we want less than a total lockdown where we cannot even venture out for a walk or a run!
For those who have not had the time to be so active in the past revisiting sport, with the increased amount of free time we now have, can be good for the mood and mental health. For us a little walking, running or cycling have really helped give a moral boost to each day, especially given how we have been blessed with the weather of late!
30 minutes to an hour a day is all you really need to help produce those endorphins and raise your mood. It’s easy to fall into a negative thought cycle while cooped up at home.

Don’t forget daily structure and routine
It’s common knowledge that the human body thrives from structure and time schedules. Without having to leave the house, get up for work etc, it’s easy to become lazy and do less with your day. This is why using apps like Tasks or Calendar to structure a day can be particularly useful. Try to pick 3 or 4 things you’d like to achieve per day, even if these are as simple as “Clean all the windows”, “Mow the lawn” or “Fix that creaky door!” That way, you set a time limit for yourself and you’re always focused on what’s coming next, helping pass the time and aid with that sense of achievement we all need! And if you’re not that keen on apps, write a list on a piece of paper.
Keeping a little diary during this could also be a good tip, just to remind ourselves of this strange time so we can look back and remember how it all felt, who we got back in touch with, how we passed our time and what we found important.
Stay mindful, think of others, look after yourselves and keep in touch with each other through all that wonderful technology we have these days making it possible even with social distancing in place!
And most of all stay safe!
With love from
Wendy & Sanna x