Happy New Year and New Decade everyone!
Today I have been thinking about well-being and getting the balance right. There are many of us making New Year resolutions, but most of us just let them go by the wayside. I think the only one I ever successfully followed through was stopping smoking about 30 years ago! However, now I’m in my 50’s, I’m more and more conscious of looking after my body and mind.
Everyone decides to re join the gym, promising themselves 3 visits a week to make it cost effective. Having been a gym member for years, I cancelled my membership as for me it’s quicker and more practical to exercise at home without the gym commute. (However, I do miss the sauna & spa area!).
How about finding a simpler way?
What could be more time and cost effective than popping on your trainers and running from your front door? It’s so quick and in 30 minutes you might have run 3 miles! A friend once said to me: “The hardest part is getting out of the door. Who have you ever heard saying ‘I wish I hadn’t done that run’?” I’ve never forgotten that conversation! It’s SO true.
If you think you can’t run it’s a good idea to join up with others. There’s always someone who finds it more difficult than you! Parkrun is a great way to begin and enjoy the outdoors in many towns every Saturday. Join in at your own pace to cover 5K. It’s amazing to see so many runners of all ages and sizes enjoying the fresh air!
If running is just not your thing why not try hiking
My longtime activity is hiking in the Peak District. I’m lucky to live on the edge of this beautiful national park and can be out there exploring the footpaths within 30 minutes. Even going at a steady pace I can cover a mile in 18 minutes. Before I know it I’ve got 10 miles in the bag. And the next day my muscles know about it! If you need someone to walk with you could always join a friendly rambling group

Finding Your Thing
Over the years I have found that sitting at a desk or spending long hours in our studio causes my body to feel rather seized up by the end of the day. I can really tell I haven’t actually moved very far! To help with this I have found two activities that really work for me: yoga and bouldering.
Yoga is something I don’t feel I’m at all good at, but just trying a little 15-minute morning workout really seems to be worth it and is a great start to the day. I try to find a new, different video online so I am not repeating the same thing and getting frustrated that I can’t manage every pose. This is one that I really like https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
I love wearing the Cromford wrap top as a yoga cover. It’s not really a sports top but works so well for a non-impact sport like yoga! It’s just so soft and comfy.

More recently I have found a great new hobby in bouldering. It has been a real help for a problem in my shoulder. A friend of mine introduced me to indoor bouldering.
If you’re not familiar with it – it is free climbing up a colour-coded route from easy to competition level with the added safety of very deep mattresses in case you fall. Using muscles I wouldn’t normally use to support my body weight has worked miracles for regular shoulder pain I’ve had. Stretching and reaching whilst gripping as well as lifting my body up the wall has strengthened and worked dormant muscles. I’ve promised myself to get there every other week… fingers crossed!

A little bit of everything works best for me. No set routine, I just make sure I move around when I know I’ve been hunched over a desk and if the weather is good I’m off out for some much needed fresh air!
Sounds simple, and it can be, once you find the things that suit you and keep you interested. There is no need for a new you, give yourself less pressure and just make sure you look after the well-being of the Fabulous Old You in the new decade.